Sunday, December 7, 2008

Deflation Propaganda By The World's Biggest Debtor!

Cherish the current price deflation for some goods and services while it lasts because massive inflation is about to destroy the purchasing power of the dollar so much and so universally that only the best entrepreneurs (ones who can anticipate the impact of specific acts of intervention) will be able to perceive relative deflation in a hyperinflation environment.

Who is the beneficiary of inflation? Debtors are since they pay back debt with a depreciated money.

Would the biggest debtor in the history of the world not intervene when prices decline (which means that the purchasing power of the dollar is stronger)? Now you see why they won’t let the markets clear, because prices would have to decline (in other words, the dollar would appreciate in value).

That is the reason the propaganda is thick with cries of the dangers of deflation! Surely you, as an individual, are not disappointed when the purchasing power of your dollars increases.

Massive printing of money ‘out of thin air’ is one way to cause inflation. Bailouts justify that counterfeiting scheme. And of course the war against 'terrorists' is the trump card.

If productive resources are coercively diverted towards war efforts prices will no longer go down. The supply of non-war goods will dwindle causing prices to go up. And then inflation, even at phenomenally high rates, will be excused because of the 'unusual' circumstances requiring patriotic sacrifices!

Recognize that the world’s greatest debtor is the problem. And yet these economic imbeciles propose ‘solutions’ that magnify their debt!

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